We’ve addressed dog people, so now it’s time to bring the restof you into the equation. Calling all cat lovers - we’re here to solve youranimal woes.
Choosing a pet can be difficult in itself, but deciding on afurry friend when you suffer from allergies is no mean feat. There’s a greatdeal to consider, especially if you’re after a feline – cats are responsiblefor twice as many animal allergies than dogs in the UK.
Many people believe that the cat itself is responsible forallergies, but it’s not. It’s actually a protein called Fel D1 found in theanimals that triggers an allergic reaction. Produced by salvia and sebaceousglands, the protein is the primary allergen associated with cats.
However, we’ve found a way around the issue – here, we round upthree cat breeds that won’t cause your symptoms to surface.
The Balinese makes for a surprising addition to the‘almost-hypoallergenic-but-not-quite’ line-up. Also known as the long-hairedSiamese, the Balinese cat isn’t running low in the fur department. However, thecat only produces little amounts of the Fel D1 protein, making this fluffyfeline a good option for allergic cat lovers.
Similar to the aforementioned Balinese, the Siberian cat is alsowell equipped when it comes to fluff and fur. However, the Siberian boastslowered enzyme levels in its saliva, which means most allergic people will besafe around them.
Russian Blue
The Russian Blue is striking in appearance, but there’s more tothe fancy feline that its fur. With hair that only sheds in small amounts, theRussian Blue is another breed that produces very little amounts of theallergy-inducing protein Fel D1.
Other allergy-friendly felines include the Devon Rex, theCornish Rex and the Javanese.
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[Image courtesy of Jake William Heckey / Pixabay]
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